Coffee pods are very commonly used, and yet, they are a concern because of their tendency to increase environmental waste. That was the problem, and there isn’t a problem without a solution. So, the solution is simple: Reusable coffee pods. As soon as you read the word ‘reusable’, you know you have a product that is friendly to the environment.
So, what is so special about reusable coffee pods? Well, for starters, they are incredibly economical. You won’t have to keep spending more and more money on disposable pods.
There are a few things you should know about coffee pods before you start using them. They are basically ground coffee contained in airtight pods that hasten your coffee-making process. First of all, unlike what many people think, coffee pods are not instant coffee. In fact, popular opinion deems coffee pods more preferable for coffee lovers than instant coffee. Nevertheless, the two are different, and that brings us to the second piece of information: Coffee pods have a different concentration than that of an espresso. Generally speaking, even the strongest pods are generally lighter in strength than an average cup of coffee. They contain a lesser amount of ground coffee than an espresso which makes them best suited for people who do not like their coffees too intense. The Bluecup Starter Pack is a great buy with two refillable capsules and a hundred lids.
Of course, with coffee pods, you need the right tool to create a smooth blend as well. Look no further than Black Velvet Coffee’s Time Capsule. Our coffee is ground specifically for use in reusable capsules, and it delivers a bold, beautiful flavour that is sure to please. Plus, reusable capsules are a great way to reduce waste. So why not ditch the disposable pods and switch to Time Capsule? Your taste buds will thank you.
Black Velvet Coffee is home to the best coffee pods and blends. Who said good coffee could only be created by trained professionals? With the correct tools, you might have gotten yourself a new skill right there when you purchase from hassle-free, mess-free pods and blends. Get cafe-style coffee every day while reducing your carbon footprint.
In Australia, over 20 tonnes of disposable coffee pods end up in landfill every single day. Pre packaged coffee pods are usually made with coffee...
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